Journey to Wholeness: Background

If this is your first visit to “Conversations With Cynthia,” please check out last week’s introductory article for this series.

 Concerning the Chakras: The Chakras are the body’s energy centers located along the spine. These electromagnetic centers provide functions keeping our physical bodies alive.

Because they are Divinely sourced, some call our electromagnetic body our “spiritual body,” or “astral body.” The way I see it, they are whirling electromagnetic vapors from God’s life-giving breath resident within. In Truth, You are God’s address. HE IS resident within You.


Envision the movement of a small firenado. In comparison, when our chakras are open, their flowing funnel of electromagnetic energy moves in a vortex, sparking physical, mental, and emotional health. Although there are more, seven are generally illustrated and discussed.

The first—Root Chakra—is located at the base of the spine and represents our foundation and feeling grounded; the second—Sacral Chakra—is in the lower abdomen, representing connection, with others and life experiences; the third—Solar Plexus Chakra—is in the upper abdomen, representative of confidence and feeling in-control of our life; the fourth—Heart Chakra, in the center of the chest above the heart, represents our ability to give and receive love; the fifth—Throat Chakra, at the throat, represents our ability to communicate; the sixth—Brow Chakra, on the forehead between the eyes, represents our ability to focus on the bigger picture; and the seventh—Crown Chakra, on the top center of the head, represents our ability to be connected spiritually.

Please understand, that when I use the word “health,” it’s not only physical. I quote from Mary Kurus’ article, “Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Health.”

“It is only by dealing with each part of the whole within the whole, that we can have vital and energetic health. All organs, systems, thoughts, emotions, have their own specific energy or vibration.  Each organ vibrates at an energy specific to it alone.  Each piece of food or drink that we consume has its own vibration.  Each emotion has its own vibration.  Therefore what we feel, what we think, what we speak, eat and drink, have direct effect on our health.” (I discuss this in Part Two: As A Man Thinketh of my book, HOW TO BE THE BEST YOU, )
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You’ve read that canned food has no vibration. That’s because there’s no life left in it. This is why I bring into the light the importance of understanding our whole, in order to BE whole!

Regarding essential oils: Any time I talk about using essential oils, I will only recommend Young Living’s (YL)! Why do I only use their oils? It is the only company with a “Seed to Seal” guarantee.

First, YL owns their own farms, globally. They monitor every aspect of how the oils are produced, from what goes into the soil to how it is bottled! They use organic seeds, the soil is nurtured with enzymes and organic fertilizers, watered with spring water, and weeded by hand. They harvest (flower, stem, leaves, root, bark, and/or resin) at the optimal time of day/season, and distill at low temperatures for the correct amount of time to get the primary benefits.

I know what I am using is 100% pure essential oil. I know what I use can be ingested, inhaled, or applied topically without harm to my body or others around me.

If you’re new to natural living, you may be wondering why I use essential oils? I’ve been into alternative medicine and ‘organic’ since my early twenties. The miraculous aspect of essential oils is their molecules are so tiny they penetrate past your skin, into your blood stream, through the walls of your cells, and are in every organ of your body in twenty minutes. When you inhale an essential oil, those same ultra-tiny molecules enter your lungs and brain and do the same thing! And, essential oils are 50-80% more powerful than herbs!

For other companies, any toxin in the oil from the farming and distillation process will also be inside that little bottle. Even if it says “Organic” on the label, the FDA “guidelines” for organic is only 3 drops of an essential oil per bottle! The mixture can be chemicals, preservatives, and perfumes. You have no idea if it was distilled at the right temperature or for the correct amount of time to be used for its healthful benefits. If the bottle says “DO NOT EAT. DO NOT INGEST” on it, do not put in on your body either! Read your labels!

Next week, full throttle!!

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