
What Is Your Heart Song?

I AM a Shower (noun) and Shower (verb) of Love, Compassion, Wisdom, Light and Truth.

If you feel stuck, wonder who you are or wake up each morning to “Groundhog Day,” I AM here as a sacred drum for your heart sounding.

Sound creates light. Allow me to guide your Light of hope into possibility, positivity and purpose again. PM Me or email

You can get a head start by downloading the Kindle version of my short, succinct second book, HOW TO BE THE BEST YOU here

I Vote Your Victory

How often do we explain away something or just choose to unsee it? On the other hand, how often do we go through mental ruminations to make sense of or excuse something?

Why do we dance around truth?! Why do we resist questioning something’s validity? Why not research to get to the truth that resonates within you?

One reason is: We have been programmed to believe and trust what “authority figures” (branches of government, institutions of law, education, religion) proclaim/preach as “right”eous and condemn, judge and prosecute as law”less.”

As “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”, so YOUR truth has a value/frequency in alignment with where you are in your mental awareness and heart-receptivity. Therefore, one’s truth meter is subjective. There can be verified research of something but you feel doubt and hesitation about it. Trust your intuition and question anything and everything appearing unclear. Be your own authority.

If you have fallen for media propaganda and when you miss the mark, begin again with your gained knowledge and greater wisdom. Remember: Mercy triumphs over judgment. (forgive yourself)

You are a winner!!! You have the keys to set yourself free from emotional blame and mental doubt.

With each “Win,” pass GO, and collect your next ✌🏼Victory.

A Response Is A Signature of Agreement

Here’s a paradigm shift for “agreements.”

May be an image of text that says 'Before you respond to someone, remember that your response is also your agreement to establish an energy connection with them, which may change your energy field and vibrational frequency.'

The fall equinox yesterday (with the same amount of daylight as night) is a time to think, act and live in balance and harmony with oneself, others and the environment.

Alejandro’s quote removes the veil of victimization, shining a light that our responses are our signatures in a vibratory “deed of ownership.” It is signed, sealed and delivered by one’s response or reaction.

Expand YourSelf

 You are not an apostate when you question dogma, laws or the status quo.

“Apostate: a person who renounces a religious or political belief or principle.”

“Dogma: a belief or body of beliefs concerning faith or morals laid down by a church.”

To question then follow where your benevolent heart leads is walking in your sovereignty, expanding your awareness.

Ignorance is not bliss. It’s just ignorance, slave mentality, dream-spell.

To expand your awareness, is to increase your empathy, Love and wisdom.

Give yourself permission to e-x-p-a-n-d… into alchemical transformation.



Peace begins within our heart and then in negotiating with others.
“negotiate – try to reach an agreement or compromise by discussion with others”
Make war obsolete. (person w/person, and country w/country) Peace begins…with each of us.
(*Please make time to tune in to my YouTube children’s video and make “negotiate” a household word and action @CynthiaWhiteARCC)

What is your “Why?”

“When you follow your soul, your life fills with meaning (meaning is your inner compass), purpose and love. You are excited about being alive, you are excited about the people in your life and what you are doing.” Gary Zukov

What is your “Why” behind all you do?



BE Your Best

I AM a Shower (noun) and Shower (verb) of Love, Compassion, Wisdom, Light and Truth.

If you feel stuck, wonder who you are or wake up each morning to “Groundhog Day,” I AM here as a sacred drum for your heart sounding.

Sound creates light. Allow me to guide your Light of hope into possibility, positivity and purpose again.

PM Me or email


& You can get a head start by downloading the Kindle version of my short, succinct second book, HOW TO BE THE BEST YOU here →

Cynthia White YouTube Children;s Channel Anoucement

I announced several weeks ago my YouTube children’s channel is up.

Cynthia White@ARCC YouTube (Alpha Rememory Children’s Channel)

If you haven’t taken a look, here is my “You’re a Crystal video. Though I’m speaking to children, what I say is just as important for we adults to remember,..

You are unique.

No one can take your place.

No one can be the gift and blessing you bring to this world.

Only You.

I thank you for being you and appreciate your perfect expression.

Your Heart Speaks Truth

Have you ever had difficulty making a decision? There are so many offshoots from your questionings. “If I do this, then… If I don’t do that, then…” The cogwheels of the mind can be like a hamster on its wheel: just activity, no productivity.

The good news is there is a way to always know what is true for you. Still yourself and ask (yourself) whatever question you are desiring an answer to. It’s on the lines of body testing in that it bypasses mental gymnastics or, as I said, the hamster wheel of the mind. It’s called “cardio gnosis” – heart knowing. You will instantly hear and know the answer.


Indigenous peoples have known and handed down these truths. They have words in their languages that don’t translate into English so we have to make up words to explain. One of these is a Cherokee word “Shante-ishta” meaning “the single eye of the heart that sees.” Gregg Braden explains:

“The heart doesn’t judge right and wrong, good and bad but discerns for us what is true. It does not assign a judgment…this empowers you whether you are in the board room, classroom, with your friends or in the most intimate relationships with those who are closest to you… it only tells you what is true for you. It can’t tell you what is true for anyone else.

This has become a blurred and forgotten line.

Remember your individual sovereignty.     

Question local and governmental mandates (valid for 90 days only) and laws.

Be keen to global fear tactics and STAY in Peace and trust.

Wise up to “slight-of-hand” distractions from Hollywood (casting spells) and the intoxicating “liquor” of the media.

“- dia: going through, apart, in opposite or different directions.”

 Rip Van WInkle slept 20 years from a liquor enticement as is the media’s intent to lead followers away from connection to self (me-dia).

“Stand up and salute the guard in yourself.” – Sacha Stone

Exercise your Shante-ishta. In 2023, it’s mandatory for your sovereignty and our freedom.