LOVE IS In The Air

To neutralize any story you are telling yourself – ticker tape conversations interrupting your peace and calm (your or others reactions to past and/or present drama in your reality) – consciously press your pause button and b-r-e-a-t-h-e…

Breathe in the ALLness of Air…present everywhere, powerfully sustaining life and knowing how to flow through every cell in your body. (Did you intuit my correlation to the omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience of God?) Not only is that breath a meditation and a prayer, it draws you into your heart…brilliantly placed between your lungs.

As your lungs expand and your diaphragm rises, your heart is embraced… for many reasons. For my point, each breath is to draw your attention inward and realign with your divinity – God within. Literally, LOVE IS IN THE AIR.
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Have you ever wondered why all your organs are connected in a circulatory and neural network? This could lead me down a rabbit hole of explanations and correlations. I suggest you simply sit with this and see where it takes you. Selah

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