Coffee-The Healthy Way

COFFEE the right wayGOOD NEWS for you coffee-lovers! I veer from my usual articles with this by Dr. Sharnael Wolverton.

“Doctors have been warning patients for years about the negative health effects of drinking coffee. Yet, over 50% of Americans have continued to drink this delicious beverage on a daily basis (and often in mass quantities)! The truth is… many popular coffee brands (and coffee beverages at coffee shops) are loaded with pesticides, mold, artificial ingredients, and hidden refined sugars. However, drinking coffee doesn’t have to bad for you and it doesn’t have to be boring either! Here are few of the health benefits when you drink your coffee the right way:

  • Enhanced speed, intensity, and endurance of workouts
  • May increase metabolism and burn fat
  • Increases beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract
  • High in antioxidants (which may decrease risk of certain cancers)
  • Lowers blood glucose level
  • Lowers rates of age-related cognitive decline

Check out this detailed list of the therapeutic health benefits of coffee by Dr. Mercola.

Always Choose Organic:

Unfortunately, coffee beans are one of the most heavily pesticide sprayed crops in the world! Always choose coffee beans that are certified Organic. There are also coffee brands that are low in acidity. It is best to purchase whole beans and grind them yourself to get the most benefit and to avoid rancid coffee.

Drink it Black or Bullet-Proof:

It is most beneficial to drink your coffee black or bullet proof (see recipe below). Here are some additional helpful guidelines to keep your coffee healthy:

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  1. Keep it to a minimum. One or two cups per day is best.
  2. Avoid adding artificial sweeteners and refined sugars.
  3. Avoid artificial creamers. Use organic coconut milk, almond milk, or hemp milk instead.
  4. Add Cinnamon to your coffee for even higher antioxidant content and to help balance blood sugar levels.
  5. Eat before you drink your coffee to avoid a blood sugar “crash.”
  6. Add Collagen to your coffee. Collagen (found in good bone broths) is rich in the amino acid glycine, and has been scientifically studied to help reduce joint pain, aid in healthy tissue repair, and may help inflammation stay within a healthy range.
  7. Add grass-fed butter to your coffee for a brain-boosting buzz. Coffee can cause anxiousness and upset stomach when taken without a healthy fat so adding grass-fed butter or cold-pressed coconut oil helps prevent those negative side-effects.
  8. Add cold-pressed coconut oil. Similar to grass-fed butter, coconut oil is loaded with healthy fats, specifically medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) which have been shown to improved weight loss in multiple scientific studies. Coconut oil is well-known for many health benefits including brain health!

Try Bullet Proof Coffee!

  • 1 cup Organic high quality coffee (mold and pesticide free!)
  • 1-3 teaspoons cold-pressed coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon organic grass-fed unsalted butter (or ghee for non-dairy)
  • 1/8 teaspoon organic vanilla extract-optional
  • A few drops of Stevia-optional

Combine all ingredients in a blender and mix on high for 15-30 seconds! Enjoy!”

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