Is God A Who or A What?

In a dream last night, several of us were discussing our concepts of God. (Mine is abstract yet short and simple.)

1.Although we have been programmed by scriptures, art, music, etc., we know “God” is not concrete (human body, long white beard with a spiteful, maniacal temper) like our 3-D persona.

2.We also know the Universe Is a matrix; I’ll just say a fabric although we also know 99% of a cell or an atom is space.

3.Genesis 1:1-3 encapsulates millennia. My focus is “In the beginning…void…God said….” In that void or “space” becoming aware of Itself, there was consciousness – I AM – and thought to speak Itself = LIGHT as in “Let there be…” (sound to light is written and explained in the SIMPLE 2-minute read and video below)

Thus, we (humanity) are the evolutionary result, curiosity, observance and envy of all Creatures great and small because we house THAT I AM’s Consciousness and eternal flame. When our body wears out, we return to the Infinite… with full memory of whom we have been, every time, and choice of what to experience next.
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When you pray, meditate, sit in nature or whatever you do to find, feel and remember your stillness within, It’s where God, peace and love is…not in thoughts of judgment and condemnation, hellfire and damnation. Reconsider the indoctrination that Christianity has a monopoly of eternity. It can be said we all are divine sparks of The Source Sound, Light.

We are a microcosm of a macrocosm.

Enjoy 2 minutes of grey cell stimulation HERE:!&text=The%20phenomena%20are%20called%20%E2%80%9Csonoluminescence,to%20help%20catch%20its%20prey.

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