AWOL for a bit

I’m preoccupied with W-A-Y overdue SCI physical examinations and pressure mapping for the best cushion and wheelchair for whatever ails me, as well as getting this website completed. Minimally, I got it up-and-running for weekly posts; now, I’m putting on the finishing touches for you.
I may be silent for a bit, but will be back with a nibble from a crazy friend’s sci-fi novel of a wheelchair revolution, along with a few other blogs you may enjoy!
For now, click around my musings for something that interests you, and tell me what you’re thinking.
It is related generico cialis on line to stress and physical factors.
Let’s talk.


2 Replies to “AWOL for a bit”

  1. I am the lady from NorthStar EMS you spoke with today and I so enjoyed our conversation. I realize you are AWOL for a while but you inspired me today. I encounter people on a regular basis who are or have been faced with traumatic and life altering events in their lives and I will certainly recommend your book. Chariots come in all forms. I needed our talk today. Thanks.

    1. Thank you, Carolyn! You found a way to get me over a hump (broken, protruding cocccyx), literally 🙂 The world is blessed to have people like you in it.
      And, thanks for the referral.
      I’ll be in touch.

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