The Dwelling of Wisdom

“Tenacious: determined, committed, persistent…strong, powerful.”

With tenacity, we face missions possible in wisdom and integrity – honorable personal qualities.

“Stubborn – dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position.”

Stubborn is a need to be right.

It is an emotional battle of the adult ego attempting to convince itself of its importance,

It is the inner child shielding itself from feelings of disapproval, judgment, imprints of not being enough, not valued.

When you hear yourself being “doggedly determined” to prove you’re right and know more than another or others, at that moment, allow your wisdom to acknowledge and your voice to confess, “I apologize. I choose to receive what your experience can teach me.”

Occasionally changing our mind – ideas, viewpoints and opinions –  is not a sign of weakness. It is evidence of elucidation, of personal and spiritual growth.
