Movement Is Progress

The magic of our life journey is in the directions our path turns, winds, stretches, sometimes descending in the valleys and ascending up the hills, dales and mountains. In the stretches, we can see clearly, often setting our controls on cruise, not planning beyond what we can see – a golden opportunity to envision what we desire.

Our path is always there. We can choose to take the fork or continue on the familiar. Neither is right or wrong. They both have their lessons.

At times, we may take three steps forward and three back. That’s OK!  We collect the lessons we have learned by those experiences, pass go and begin again.

We may take three steps forward and one step back. This is not a failure or a setback. It is you recalibrating your direction. Just as a baby falls as it’s learning to walk, it takes hold of a nearby support – adjusting from its imbalance how better to balance – strengthening it’s mental, emotional, and physical acumen.

All movement forward is progress.

Judging baby steps as small progress or how long it take to gain sure footing is self-sabotage.

When you catch the monkey talk belittling, judging or condemning you, only you can change the ticker tape…

“I am on my Divine path. My experiences are golden opportunities climbing Jacob’s ladder, creating my Heaven on Earth.”

Destination HAPPINESS

Before my chariot/wheelchair, adventure was my high – exploring hidden paths and back roads, climbing trees, roof tops and to the top of a mast, lying upon the earth pondering the heavens, studying world maps, traveling, etc. I understand now it was about discovery!

After consideration, what enthuses me hasn’t changed. It’s through the Divine gifts of imagination and critical thought, within each of us. Whether writing, decorating, repurposing for myself and others or figuring out how to safely clean up shattered glass from a dropped bowl, my creative genus peaks when faced with a quandary to discover a solution. I have realized these are “currents” to my happiness. If I react, I can “blow the fuse.” When I re-cognize (know and understand) the opportunity (some call “problems”), I am in the current flow for new ideas and new discoveries. That’s adventure!

For this upcoming New Year of 2022, join with me in discovering or recovering happiness.

Happiness is an inside job. It’s a bi-product of fulfillment and fulfillment is in your hands…not in your spouse, your children, your youth…job…achievement…but in the realization you are the gardener of your life’s sweetness.
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If you haven’t already, it’s time to remove the dams of un-forgiveness holding back love, irrigate bitter pools of judgment drowning your gratitude and pull weeds of discontent smothering your joy. When you tend The Garden of (your own) Life, it’s amazing how “little birdies” drop seeds of love in other’s eyes, ears and tongues to grow love in their Gardens.

As a follow-up, HOW TO BE THE BEST YOU is my book on ‘how-to’ rediscover your heart and change your stinkin’ thinkin’ in order to find TRUE happiness. It’s an elementary outline to simplify changes only you can make. You can order it HERE: or Amazon.