Have You Ignored Your Inner Child?

The belief that crying in the streets (protests) and clanking a bell or cymbal (demonstrations) is a transformative thing to do, is seeing through the lens of duality. Although we may have been financially or emotionally supportive, most of us have not walked in picket lines, literally stood on a “soapbox”/platform or participated in riots for some cause.

Judgments and “resistances” foster division and the lie: there is only one “right.” Everything else is wrong. Whether there physically or just mentally, those in resistance “movements” are usually throwing a fit/fighting against limitations they have personally felt limited by.

Can you, will you, acknowledge the fit your inner child throws is your unresolved reaction from feeling unappreciated, unseen, unheard, unimportant, unloved?

Can you, will you, accept the story your inner child believed WAS NOT TRUE? You only had a child’s perspective to form an inaccurate perception.

Can you, will you, allow your inner child’s pain its voice of feeling insignificant? When you feel someone or something has pushed your react button, will you take a moment, breathe and ask yourself two questions? First: How do I feel? (sad, anger, hate) Second: When did I first feel this way? You will remember something in your infancy or childhood and your healing journey will begin. You can privately resolve your own inner conflicts.
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When we tune in to what our heart speaks, we remember we – our DNA, memory cells, molecules, protons of Divine Light – are one with God, Source, Creator, ALL LOVE.

Love begins within, in you, for you.

I am here to encourage you in your remembrance of your highest self. You can contact me at cynthia@conversationswithcynthia.com

Let’s talk

Love Is For-giving and Giving

I believe anyone who follows my Facebook posts (on both my personal and my Young Living Essential Oils pages) and my website, knows I speak from my heart’s truth in love. You also know, I love differing opinions of those who may not agree with me. Diversity opens new avenues of thought along with the opportunity to change our mind, if we choose. The absolute right of every human being – choice.

If you saw my Bob Dylan “Times they are a-changing”, you have noticed I have expanded my topics and memes from singly Love, forgiveness and acceptance of self and others (although, for as long as we breathe, love will continue to be our highest mission). Sooo, for you who choose your (higher) mission possible to elevate your love quotient, I offer a golden nugget of truth…

Before we come to earth, I have come to believe we make soul contracts – what we will do and allow to be done, even the families we are born into. This sounds ludicrous when we look at poverty, misfortune and abuse through earthly eyes. “Who would ever choose to be an addict, abused, torture, killed or die of an illness or Corona virus?!” Because before we are clothed in an earthly body, we are eternal Spirits. We see this life as a twinkling of the eye, through the lens of pure LOVE and the eternal perspective of the part we can play readying humanity in its ascension.

I say that to preface an unspeakable many of us shy away from, deny, turn deaf ears and blind eyes to: pedophilia. It did not begin or end in the Old Testament times. You will not hear about it on the news or read of it in “Time” or “Newsweek,” although it continues on a global scale. In some countries, it is even legal.

These children (you may have been one) came to awaken us to stand up and use our Divine voices to stop such atrocities. They knew those who chose to participate with the dark shadows can make a new choice IF we can hold them in the healing frequency to love.

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As with everything, every time, if you feel judgment, hate or thoughts of retribution, before you can be of service to anyone, be honest about your own heart-thoughts and be willing to admit you feel as you do.

It’s OK. You’re OK. When reacting to someone’s words or behavior, your higher self is telling you there are unresolved issues in your own heart. Remember (to “remember” means you know it already. It’s already encoded within you.): FORGIVE YOURSELF for judging your child self as inappropriate, unacceptable, wrong when told you had to speak, act and look a certain way.

We can get in touch with the dark aspects of ourselves and love those feelings for showing us where we are. Darkness can be a friend to a grateful heart. That’s part of our three-dimensional experience with duality – showing both sides – where we are and who we truly desire to be.

Re-member also: we are not called to judge ourselves or others. We are called to love. We are called to forgive… even the unforgivable.

God in you can.