Homecoming - coming home to the heart
Is your significance buried under feelings of not enoughness? Do you feel the mundane distracting you from a higher purpose? Do you feel there is more to life?
Life is calling you back. Are you ready for the second act?
1:1 Sessions
My 60-minute live 1:1 sessions are excellent for anyone ready to see themselves through God‘s eyes.
I offer a broader perspective, and clarity finding your own truth in circumstances, relationships, and your personal feelings.
Nothing is off-limits.
Complete the form below to arrange a session time.
The 4 - Week Journey
I am so happy for my first time offering to begin Tuesday, February 13th, your 4-week “Getting to know me” (you) online course. A Happy Valentine from You to You. You will gain more clarity in your Being, more certainty in your doing, more confidence in Who You Are, and direction in how and where you're going.
This isn't a quick fix for struggles or a Band-Aid for challenges. This is a path back to the wisdom of your heart for personal renewal, growth, and transformations. You will be stepping into a higher version of you, aligning with your authentic self, and taking positive action from your innermost truth.
Just $44 USD to begin your 4-week introduction course in self-awareness, self-love, and self-empowerment. (This is a prerequisite for the 8-week self-discovery deep dive of mind, body, and soul, a reorientation from mind to heart coherence beginning in April.)
“As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.” - Rumi
“Intuition is a whisper of Divine will.”
8 week Homecoming 2U Journey
SNEAK PEEK into my 8-WEEK Homecoming 2U Journey DETAILS COMING in March
You may not know your divine purpose, but deep inner knowings and heart stirrings are calling you to more.
You will remember and begin practicing your intuition - inner wisdom, encoded sparks of God in you. You will experience the confidence of IT directing you on your path of purpose.
You will remember more of who you are, the precious, beloved gift YOU ARE. First, and foremost, you will remember you came to BE and bestow love, and experience Joy through ALL, in all.
You may not know your divine purpose, but deep inner knowings and heart stirrings are calling you to more.
You will remember and begin practicing your intuition - inner wisdom, encoded sparks of God in you. You will experience the confidence of IT directing you on your path of purpose.
You will remember more of who you are, the precious, beloved gift YOU ARE. First, and foremost, you will remember you came to BE and bestow love, and experience Joy through ALL, in all.