Dangerous Mental Gymnastics

Are you worn out by mental gymnastics: queues of running thoughts jumping from must-do, should’ve-done or said, hoops of self-defamation, back-bending somersaults of other’s downfalls, racing anger, hurdles of hate, marathons of unforgiveness, and Olympic pools of shame and guilt? Unlike the resultant skill, strength, and endurance of athletes-in-training, these toxic thoughts and emotions cause illnesses when not released. They literally poison our bodies.

Modern medicine tends to look only at and treat the physiological functions of the body; but as far back as Hippocrates, it was accepted that emotions strongly affected the internal organs. For some reason, the association between our internal dialogues, conditioned from what we’ve heard others say about us, and their triggered emotions, hasn’t registered.

No emotion is inherently good or bad, unless it becomes chronic. Experiencing a gamut of emotions is normal throughout one’s lifetime. It’s when they’re not processed properly, and we get stuck in them, that they can become negative and destructive.

According to Kari Browning, Director of New Renaissance Healing & Creativity Center:

“Medical research has found that 75% to 95% of the illnesses that plague us today are a direct result of our thought life. What we think about affects us physically and emotionally. We make ourselves sick if we do not release toxic emotions and thoughts. When we experience trauma, we store that memory in our body and it can cause physical illness. When we release trapped emotions, we can begin to heal.”

And, according to Dr. Caroline Leaf, “toxic waste generated by toxic thoughts causes the following illnesses: diabetes, cancer, asthma, skin problems and allergies, to name just a few.”

Consider these findings:

Grief is stored in the lungs. Restriction of air flow, asthma, and bronchial conditions are attributed to its sadness.

It greatly increases the blood circulation to remove the blood stasis, inducing diuretic for cheapest viagra https://www.supplementprofessors.com/cialis-6811.html treating strangurtia, and these main three functions can just solve patients’ problems with interstitial cystitis.

Emotional shock is stored in the heart. Problems sleeping, confused thinking, even hysteria and psychosis can result in extreme cases.

Fear and shock are stored in the kidneys and adrenals. Extreme fear will cause immediate urination, but urinary tract disorders, incontinence, and lower back pain results. Also, bed-wetting in children is associated to insecurity. When the adrenals are stressed, memory and learning are impaired, and the body’s ability to repair itself is compromised.

Anger stores in the liver; the “red face” leads to headaches. Resentment, frustration, irritability, and guilt follow, which suppresses the immune system. If the overflow of anger effects the spleen, there will be indigestion, and diarrhea.

Worry/anxiety (over-pensiveness), dwells in the spleen. Gastric disturbances, poor appetite and forgetting to eat, elevated blood pressure, weakened immunity, and a tendency toward phlegm and colds occur. These mental gymnastics, or too much obsessing over a topic, can even infiltrate dreams at night.

According to the CDC: “For every one prescription painkiller death there are 10 treated admissions for abuse, 32 emergency department visits for misuse or abuse, 130 people who abuse or are dependent, and 825 non-medical users.”

Toxic emotions and their prescribed pharmaceuticals are poisoning us. If you’re interested in using essential oils on your journey toward health and wholeness, message me at cynthia.white@ah-haventures.com or go to https://www.youngliving.org/4Wholeness    

 Further reading:




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