Journey to Wholeness (VIII)–I LOVE-Heart Chakra

King David lived and ruled from his heart. “…a man after God’s own heart.” (I Samuel 13:14) I interpret this to say: David’s full-hearted, awareness of God’s heart led him. He listened to his heart’s intuition: its instruction. He kept the “eyes of his heart” (Eph. 1:18) open for understanding.

Howard Martin, co-author of The Heart Math Solution, a clinical research and educational program on emotional physiology and self-regulation, says their research has shown that the heart sends more signals to the brain than the brain sends to the heart. He says, “The longest journey we take is from our head to our heart.” (18 inches).

The Dorsal, Thoracic or Heart Chakra powers the soul/heart connection of relationships—the unifying energy of love and compassion to overcome alienation and division. This chakra is located between the breasts, in the center of the breastbone. Its location along the spinal column is the first thoracic vertebra between and below the shoulder blades. It relates to the thymus, heart, and circulation.

When the heart center is open, there is self-control and the ability to accept oneself. Love, compassion, and empathy are felt for others, as well as feelings of joy, inner peace, forgiveness, and trust. When blocked or closed, there can be a sense of separation from others; intimacy and commitment issues, misunderstandings, anger, distrust, and passivity may ensue.

Physical imbalances manifested can be heart, lung, and breathing disorders, breast cancer, high blood pressure, and immune system problems.

Kiss me
Kiss me

This will surprise many of you: the color green stimulates the heart. (Remember, red is associated with will-power, self-confidence, and courage.) So, go GREEN, as Kermit would say! It makes the earth happy, too.

An encouraging touch, pat, or hug is heart-centered. Do you know that a twenty-second hug releases the neurotransmitter Oxytocin, nature’s antidepressant? And, holding someone’s hand is, you know, special.

Volunteer at a nursery. Holding and feeding babies is healing for you both!!

If you’ve ever watched “Fantasia,” midway through is an introduction to the sound track. Each instrument note is illustrated with a vibration and a color. I can’t verify that the colors or vibrations illustrated are correct, though there ARE therapeutic benefits from each note for specific organs! Hmmm.


Does your body groan or sing?

We’re all familiar with the calming benefits of music therapy. More specifically, the note “F” and the intonation (toning) of “ah,” as in la, balance the heart chakra. Humming is similar. You begin with this vowel sound and finish with your mouth closed. Naturally, the “m-m-m” sound is produced. (Does “Amen” ring a bell?)

One paramount thing to recall is acquisition de viagra the point at which you age,’ says Kenton.
In the book, Proof of Heaven, documenting his out-of-body experience from brain death, Dr. Eben Alexander testifies of hearing melodies and an “OM” sound filling, penetrating, and permeating the Universe. This sound is believed to be universal for healing. And, you can hum-m-m-m anywhere!

The Law of Giving and Taking governs the heart chakra. Love takes many forms as we progress through life: parent to child, grown child to lover and/or spouse, and grown child/parent to child again. We give love to another, and they receive the love that’s given. Just as your physical heart receives blood, then oxygenates it and pumps it back out to your body, your emotional heart stays healthy by receiving and giving love.

Do you desire remembering your heart songs, your joy? My joy is walking with you into your transformation! Email, text, or message me for your life upgrade. Until, Affirm: “I love Me. I am love. I forgive. I am forgiveness.”

When shut down to receive or give love, diffusing Young Living’s Essential Oil Joy #3372 (15 ml at $54.93 OR $41.75 member price) promotes self-love and feelings of being loved. It can also be rubbed on the heart and on the heart chakra.

Diffused, applied over the heart or on the wrists, YL’s Acceptance #3303 (5 ml at $52.30 or $39.75 member price) promotes feelings of acceptance for self and others, helping to relieve the urge to push people away.

And, when applied over the heart, Aroma Life #3306 (15 ml at $62.83 or $47.75 member price) has been found to help the cardiovascular, lymphatic, and circulatory systems stay well.

(If you’re interested to learn more about HeartMath’s intriguing findings, I offer you three attention span choices:   1:37 SHORT w/ children about kindness  10:11 NBC, ABC News…about HeartMath’s research explaining the connection between the heart, brain, emotions, and stress. At the 9:27 minute mark, the school children will hit this truth home to your heart!  57:30 When you have the time, this is the best interview!)

If you’re interested in a more healthy lifestyle, email me or click here to purchase Young Living Essential Oils or to become a member  

Disclaimer: I am offering my insights and what has worked for me. This is not meant to diagnose, prescribe or treat any condition of the body. Always consult your health professional before changing any program. I am not legally responsible for anyone else’s thoughts, words, actions or ramifications of such. Quotes I have used, and books or information I have referenced are not indicative of their authors agreeing with or condoning my suggestions and approaches.

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