Journey to Wholeness-“Are Chakras ‘New Age?'”

I’ve received some questions about Chakras, so before jumping in this week, I’m quoting from David Stewart’s article, “Are Chakras ‘New Age?’” (He’s a PhD who authored Healing Oils of The Bible.):

“Chakras are not ‘New Age.’ They are Old Age being rediscovered. They are mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. The Jews even have a symbolic representation for the seven Chakras in their Menorah of seven candles, the center one representing the heart chakra.

The first thing to understand is that we all possess an electromagnetic field in which our physical bodies are immersed. Even the medical and biological professions acknowledge that human beings have, not only a physical body of flesh and fluids, but also a subtle electromagnetic field upon which their physical body is superimposed.

Physicians measure your electromagnetic (EM) field to detect problems with your heart and brain by means of EKGs (Electrocardiograms) and EEGs (Electroencephalograms), but they don’t understand, nor utilize, the connections of our EM bodies to our physical bodies in a way to provide pathways to healing. They don’t understand that physical maladies, conditions, and sicknesses usually show up as irregularities in our EM field before they manifest physically. They are unaware of the connection between our minds and feelings to our electromagnetic field and how the condition of the EM Field affects our physical well-being.

Chakras are electromagnetic centers along the spine of our EM fields. They are the dynamic, functional organs of our EM body, which is a template that causes our physical bodies to materialize and manifest as it does. It is also through the EM Field that our physical bodies are energized and are enabled to maintain a healthy state directly from God’s consciousness.

The Bible says, in both Old and New Testaments, “Man shall not live by bread, alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” (Deut. 8:3 and Matt. 4:4) The phrase, “By every word…” is in reference to God’s constant and continuous vibrational energy that emanates from Him constantly, which permeates the universe omnipresently, and which maintains us as living, conscious beings. If God’s constant attention on his created worlds flickered, even for one second, the universe and everything in it, including us, would vanish. (Psalm 121:3-4) It is that subtle EM field, a living spark of Gods consciousness, that ignites the life of a new human being at conception, that provides the pattern for the union of a sperm and an egg from a man and a woman to assemble into a complete body, molecule by molecule, cell by cell, into a completely ordered physical form. Without the electromagnetic blueprint enshrouding the developing fetus in the womb, the dividing cells would not know into which organs to differentiate and arrange themselves to form a complete, functional living body. Without the electromagnetic body, we would have no physical body.

When we die from this physical form, we become aware of our EM body, which is a body of light and energy.

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Our bodies of light are usually not seen by us when we are living in the physical plane encased in flesh, but our etheric body becomes quite visible to us when we discard our material frame at death. The principal functional organs of your etheric body are the seven “chakras,” as they are called in Sanskrit in India. But the word, “chakra” in Sanskrit simply means “wheel.” This is appropriate since the chakras are all circular in appearance and contain geometric shapes and colors in their detail that could be likened to petals of a flower, spokes of a wheel, or points of a star. I prefer to call them “electromagnetic centers,” which are to our heavenly body what the various ganglionic centers are to our physical body. They are intelligent switching, coordinating, and routing centers for our electromagnetic (EM) bodies and perform functions that keep our physical bodies functioning in contact with God’s vital life force. Chakras are simply a part of our electromagnetic physiology.

We all have chakras or we wouldn’t be alive. To be fearful of the word chakra, or to be afraid to explore what they are and how they are a part of every human being, is like being afraid of your navel or your toe nails. They are essential features of your energetic anatomy.

Everyone has a set of seven chakras, be they Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu, Atheist, or whatever. Some religious systems recognize them and understand their spiritual implications and some don’t. But they are still there for everyone. The more you know and understand what they really are, the closer you can draw to God, whose essence is spirit. For example, in countries where the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church is prevalent, the chairs in the alter area of the church are narrow and have armrests that are high. When visiting one of these churches in Romania a few years ago, I was told that the high arm rests are for the priests to rest their elbows so they can close off their ears with their thumbs, shutting off physical outside sounds, in order to more easily hear the sounds of the chakras and commune with the Holy Spirit. They call it ‘sound meditation.’ Your electromagnetic field is simply a part of your human physiology.

Many people can see the energy bodies around others. Perhaps you have seen them yourself and weren’t sure what you were witnessing. Many can also hear the sounds made by the chakras from their own bodies (which I do).

Just as you can hear the sounds of your physical organs like your heart beating, your lungs breathing, or your digestive tract pushing through its contents, so sensitive people can hear the sounds of their astral bodies working.” ~David Stewart, PhD

For Dr. Stewart’s complete article, go here:


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